Anti-Terror-Richtlinie für Prepaid-SIM-Karten betrifft GSM Alarmgeräte

Since 1 July 2017, it has been put into force, the new anti-terror package in the form of the "Law on better information exchange in the fight against international terrorism." This not only means that buyers of a prepaid card identify themselves but providers are also required to monitor such maps more closely than before. GSM alarm devices do not use a "call", but only the SMS-sending, which is probably sufficient as an abnormality to make the provider sit up.

For about four weeks, the support cases with respect to SMS malfunction signaling devices, which suddenly stop working, Dr. med. Ulrich Pilz, Managing Director of wireless netcontrol GmbH. The reason is probably u.a. in the stronger monitoring of prepaid SIM cards by the providers due to the new anti-terrorism policy. SIM cards that are not used as intended for telephoning, but only send SMS, are classified as conspicuous and presumably taken out of service temporarily. As a result, the functioning GSM devices can only partially or delayed set SMS alarm messages.

The solution is simple and has been recommended by experts for years: For the professional GSM SMS fault signaling devices, for example, from the company wireless netcontrol the use of suitable M2M cards for the business sector is recommended. With the use of these SIM cards, users are not only on the safe side by the contractual bond, but at the same time have other advantages such as comprehensive roaming functionality and monitoring of the booking of the card in the network.
